Monday, 13 June 2016

It's philosophy, not politics

It's philosophy, not politics. Many people thought that politics is what governs and defines how should we conduct our lives in a society. We regard politics as the primary absolute, as something unchallenged and should be accepted as it is without any preliminary derivatives. Well folks, it is not. We have been spending our lifetime seeking for solutions in an endless loop which apparently lead us nowhere, without care to ask the crucial questions. We have been obfuscated by the the beliefs that to change a condition of a society is to change its political views. It's a half-truth statement, anyhow.

Have you ever asked, from what politics is based on?

Politics is a social application of a knowledge that is superior and more imperative in this context. It is philosophy, a subject that has been ignored by our society completely at present. It is a science that will reveal to us the malaise which our people is suffering from. Mental and physical malaise. It is philosophy that one should indulge oneself in pursuit of truth. Philosophy is the base, metaphysical base from which politics is derived upon. Its metaphysical premise is what determine which lines of ethics a man would choose, and subsequently how he would exercise it in a bigger social scale, thus politics.

So people, it is not a wonder, when endless political disputes in our nation is a flunk in solving our daily miseries. We will incessantly argues upon which political parties should rule, without a cognizance that it will be just another civil war, fighting for the same cause.

Try to question what are the philosophical views of the political parties in our country hold and fight for, and you'll be shocked that their basic premises are the same. The base which is so impotent and wimp, couldnt bear to stand a single instance if examined prudentially and challenged with reasons and logic. Go find the answer.

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